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Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action

mitteleuropäische Wald- und Moorlandschaft

The Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action (KNK) is the central point of contact for the topic of nature-based climate action at federal level in Germany. We advise and inform stakeholders for nature-based climate action – such as local authorities, associations and landowners as well as agricultural and forest management operators.

The Centre of Competence forms part of the German Federal Action Plan on Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Biodiversity (ANK) from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) acts as a steering body here. The Action Plan aims to achieve significant improvements to the general state of ecosystems in Germany, so as to strengthen their resilience and climate change mitigation performance while conserving biodiversity. 

The KNK coordinates advice on nature-based climate action at federal level, offers information about available funding, provides subject-specific information, and hosts networking events for stakeholders and interested parties.


Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action (KNK) Stresemannstr. 69-71
10963 Berlin
Write E-Mail

Advice hotline
T +49 30 72618 0200
Monday to Friday: 10 am to 2 pm

About us

mitteleuropäische Wald- und Moorlandschaft


Händeschütteln vor Naturhintergrund


Menschen beraten im Meeting


Müritz See und Wald


Atrium der Zukunft-Umwelt-Gesellschaft gGmbH

Would you like to find out more about nature-based climate action and the Federal Action Plan? We offer target group-specific events for stakeholders, multipliers and those interested in funding and also provide information on external programmes.

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Would you like to get involved in nature-based climate action issues and become active locally? We will be happy to help you find suitable contacts and organisations in countries, regions and locally.

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On behalf of:

[Translate to English:] Logo of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)