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Nature-based climate action on settlement and transport areas

Stadtnatur: Fluss, Bäume, Wohnhäuser

More nature on our doorstep: green infrastructure and water-aware urban development in cities and municipalities are points of focus in the Federal Action Plan on Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Biodiversity (ANK). At the same time, we need to prevent over-settlement in surrounding areas while protecting larger-scale ecosystems from becoming fragmented. Advice about suitable funding solutions is provided by the Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action (KNK).

City microclimates are improved by parks, greened streets and urban woodlands: these absorb carbon, improve air quality and provide shade on hot days. At the same time, they provide recreational opportunities for residents – particularly in districts with an abundance of sealed surfaces. Accordingly, greener cities and municipalities are just one way of adapting to the impacts of climate change. 

How can cities, municipalities and transport areas be designed to be more natural?

The Federal Action Plan on Nature-based Solutions is helping municipalities to adopt near-natural green space management, tree-planting and the creation of natural oases, for example. Funding is also available for measures outside settlement areas – such as the networking of larger scale ecosystems beyond roads and railway lines. Another aim is capacity-building in relation to near-natural green space management. The Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action is providing support here with both information and advice.

Funding calls in the field of action

Nature-based climate action in rural communities | closed

Begrünter Stadtwall und Turm

The BMUV is providing support to communities for implementing nature-based solutions, with a particular focus on rural areas.

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Nature-based climate action in the enterprise

Begrüntes Dach eines Unternehmens

Protecting the environment and conserving resources – the BMUV and KfW are providing funding for businesses who implement nature-based solutions on their premises.

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Centre of Competence for Nature-based Climate Action (KNK) Stresemannstr. 69-71
10963 Berlin
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Advice hotline
T +49 30 72618 0200
Monday to Friday: 10 am to 2 pm

Information on the field of action from the BMUV

Stadtnatur: Fluss, Bäume, Wohnhäuser

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